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32nd International Film Festival AGROFILM

The 32nd International Film Festival AGROFILM will take place between 3rd October 2016 and 8th October 2016. The festival venue will be as traditionally the Nitra town, also known as the centre of Slovak agriculture, and also the town of Zvolen, the centre of Slovak forestry.
AGROFILM is a festival of films and video-programmes aimed especially at themes from agriculture and rural development. The objective of the festival is to inform public about the latest findings in the sphere of agriculture, food-production, nutrition of population, problems in rural areas and their inhabitants, conservation of natural resources and improvement of life quality for people. The festival films shall show problems and try to present some good examples, innovative solutions; they promote results of research.
Agrofilm is arranged by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic. The festival is organized by the Research Institute for Animal Production Nitra that is a part of the National Agricultural and Food Centre. Partners of the festival are the town Nitra, the Nitra Self-governing Region, three universities, the Centre of Scientific-Technical Information SK, the Food and Agriculture Organization and other international and Slovak institutions.
Current statute of the festival, application form, the organizers’ contact and other necessary information you will find on www.agrofilm.sk.

