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Deadline inschrijven voor de EIP-AGRI Focus Group over 'Sustainable mobilisation of forest biomass'

Meer informatie hierover vind je op onze website bij de EIP-AGRI Focus Groups en hieronder.

The European Commission is looking for 20 experts such as farmers, foresters, advisers, scientists, industry and other relevant actors for the European Innovation Partnership  'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' (EIP-AGRI) to start a new EIP-AGRI Focus Group on ‘Sustainable mobilisation of forest biomass’.

These experts will gather to try and answer the main question of the Focus Group:

How to improve the sustainable mobilisation of biomass from our forests in the EU?

The debates between the selected experts will take place over two meetings which are to be held within the period of a year. During the meetings they will share knowledge and experience. Each group explores practical innovative solutions to problems or opportunities, and draws on experiences derived from related useful projects. The first meeting is set for 21-22 June 2016.

Are you one of the experts we are looking for?
Joining an EIP-AGRI Focus Group allows you to share your knowledge and to learn from peers. It may also help broaden your professional European network, and form the start of a new cooperation.
You can read more about this EIP-AGRI Focus Group and also find out how to apply on the EIP-AGRI website:

The deadline for application is 21 March 2016 23:59 CET.

