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EIP zoekt experten rond thema 'Benchmarking of farm productivity and sustainability performance'

The European Innovation Partnership on Agriculture and Sustainability EIP-AGRI is about to start a new Focus Group on “Benchmarking of farm productivity and sustainability performance” where 20 experts will gather to try and answer the main question of the Focus Group:

How can farmers and advisers use benchmarking data and processes to improve farm productivity and sustainability performance?

The call for experts is now open and we are looking for farmers, scientists, farm advisors, people from agribusiness or anybody who could contribute with their expertise and experience.

Are you one of the experts we are looking for?
Joining an EIP-AGRI Focus Group allows you to share your knowledge and to learn from peers. It may also help broaden your professional European network, and form the start of a new cooperation.

Klik hier om de volledige oproep te lezen.

Deadline indienen van uw kandidatuur is 7 september 23u59.

