Peer-to-peer workshop on “Networking and Innovation in 2014-2020” - Ghent, Belgium
The Flemish Rural Network (Vlaams Ruraal Netwerk) is hosting a peer-to-peer workshop on “Networking and Innovation in 2014-2020” in Gent, Belgium, on 18-19 March 2014.
Why this workshop?
Support for innovation has been a key priority for EU rural development policy for many years and will be strengthened greatly in 2014-2020 by introducing innovation as a cross-cutting objective; embedding innovation within the “horizontal” Priority 1; including rural development policy as a key tool for supporting the EIP-AGRI, and – last, but not least! – by introducing a new task for NRNs to “foster innovation in agriculture, food production, forestry and rural areas”.
The workshop in Gent will have two overall aims:
1) to help build a common understanding of the meaning and scope of this new task for NRNs to “foster innovation”
2) to explore the specific activities that might be included in NRN action plans and annual work plans for helping to foster innovation.
For who?
We are keen on meeting all interested parties: rural networks, managing authorities, managing services, innovation specialists, … The workshop itself will be hosted by the Flemish Rural Network in close cooperation with the ENRD Contact Point and the EIP Service Point, accompanied by the experts from the European Commission.
Gathering information:
We already made up a preliminary program (see attachment) but we are still able to host your questions and concerns on this topic. In order to collect as much information as possible, please take the time to answer our limited list of questions on Other information, e.g. on possible best practices that can be shown and/or enthusiastic speakers are also very welcome.
Practical information:
- the program of the meeting: Networking for innovation_Programme draft.pdf (.pdf 400.62 KB)
- practical information on the venue and the hotel (you have to book the hotel your self: see document in attachment): Practical information.pdf (.pdf 914.56 KB) & Reservation form 'Innovation by Rural Networks 18 - 19 March 2014.doc (.doc 43 KB)
Last but not least: please register on this link ( your presence, dietary restrictions and participation at the social event (guided tour and dinner) on the 18th of March.
We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. Of course your expert colleagues from the managing authorities/services are invited as well. Please already forward them this message.
Please contact us with all your questions and remarks!